Cook County Department of Veterans Affairs
provides assistance to Honorably
Discharged Veterans that served in
the Armed Forces of the United
The Chicago Public Schools Operation
Recognition program honors veterans of
foreign wars by awarding
diplomas to
those who left high school to join the
armed forces.
To receive a diploma through the CPS Operation Recognition program, a veteran must have:
Chicago Public
Operation Recognition Program
Department of Policy and Procedures
1 N. Dearborn St.,
9th Floor
Chicago, Illinois 60602
or email it to:
Has a network of businesses across Cook County who offer military and veterans discounts and provide a County-issued ID card to identify eligible residents. This public-private partnership is a small way to honor those who have served, by helping them keep more of their hard-earned money.
Who is eligible?
active-duty military, national
guard/reservists, and veterans with an
honorable or general discharge.
Identification will be checked prior to
The Midwest Shelter for Homeless Veterans
is a non-profit agency that provides
housing, supportive services and
community outreach to help homeless and
at-risk veterans and their families
achieve self-sufficiency.
Serves veterans with food, shelter,
residential rehabilitation services,
and work therapy. Search by zip code
to find a location in your area.
There are various programs for homeless
veterans. Program staff also ensure that participants receive essential supportive services such as clothing, shelter, referral to medical or substance use disorder treatments, and transportation assistance — either at the program site or at another agency in the community.
Department of Veterans Affairs provides a range of health care and other services exclusively to Veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces.
7731 S. Halsted, Chicago, IL 60620
Phone: (773) 962-3700
(773) 962-3703
Transition in Place / TIP For Veterans
who are experiencing or at risk of
homelessness, Transition in Place / TIP
offers short-term housing, case management
and supportive services for 6-12 months,
after which the Veteran may choose to assume
their lease or relocate to other permanent
housing. Services include: Short-term
housing, furniture, transit card, emergency
food, case management, financial
literacy/savings, life skills and advocacy.
Call 773-502-5547 or email
for more information.
provides assistance to Honorably
Discharged Veterans that served in
the Armed Forces of the United
Helps men and women deal with physical,sexual,emotional and stalking issues in a relationship.
Veterans' Assistance Committee of Lake County
Veterans' Assistance Committee of Du Page County
Illinois Department Of Veterans Affairs
AA Safe Haven - program for housing Veterans
Wellness services for men and women veterans dealing mental crisis